Friday, January 21, 2011

Many, Many Thanks !! :)

I apologize for all these Thank Yous to be soooo delayed !!  I feel that it is more important to feed the homeless than to sit & blog about it, at least when there isn't much time for blogging. 
I hope that you will understand !!  :)

After the article in "The New Southwest" paper & three days later another one in the "Arizona Daily Star" were published things have been extremely busy here & very, very joyful to say the least !!  :)  So many people opened their hearts & donated warm clothing, sleeping bags, comforters, money, canned food, & offered their helping hands in many different ways !!  :)   For a whole month daily I ran dry two regular telephone batteries by being on the phone so much.  :)


I will write about some of the stories in my next blog, this one I would like to make a point in thanking each & everyone of you for helping out the homeless people in your own special ways during the past two months.  :)

Alice & Luna Adams - thank you both !!  Luna (who is 14 years old) for helping me cook & then coming to the parks with me to serve !!  :)  And her Mom Alice for helping us serve the food !!  :)

Ruth Adelstone - thank you for donating lots of warm clothes & food !!  :)  And for offering your help with cooking & serving food at the parks.  :)   Also for donating all those paper plates, bowls, plastic ware & lots of broth & canned vegetables !!  :)

Mary Helen Allison - thank you for bringing over warm clothes, a Tupperware bowl & a donation to the food fund on top of it all !!  :) 

Jane Ash of First Rate Second Hand Thrift Shop - thank you for donating soooo much used clothes !!  :)
You are awesome !!  :)

Cristina Ball - thank you so much for the food fund donations you gave so kindly, the clothes you brought over & all the other help you provided along with your special lil' Kirsten !!  :)

Buck Bannister - thank you for all the wonderful cookies every week, which the homeless people just love !!  :)   If I don't have any on some days, they actually ask for them.  :)  I love it !! 

Malinda Barry - thank you for donating all those really great Christmas cookies your neighbors & you had baked !!  :)  What a treat for the people in the parks.  And for the donation to the food fund from your office !!  :)

Dee Beck - thank you for helping out !!  :)

Pat Bovine - thank you for the food you brought over after Thanksgiving & for continuing to come to the parks or my house to help out wherever we need you !!  You are very precious Dear !!  :)

Sue & Bob Bradford - thank you soooo much for your cash donations & for the paper plates for the meals for the people in the parks !!  :)   And for the honoring mention you gave me twice in our home-owners newsletter !!  :)  You made me cry - happy tears !!  :)

Nancy Bratton - thank you for the check you sent for the homeless food / grocery fund !!  :)
John Brehaut - thank you for giving up your favorite jackets to the homeless to keep 'em warm.  :)  You touched me deeply by doing that !!  :)

George & Marian Brennen - thank you for donating clothes & blankets & for involving your friends to join you in doing so !!  :)

Lini Burton - thank you for the case of squash, the cucumbers & the melons you brought over for us to cook for the homeless !!  :)

Carol Campbell - thank you so much for the brand-new sleeping bag you donated !!  :)

Cheryl Carpenter - thank you for the incredible Steamer Pot to help with the cooking for the homeless & for specially making 6 baby blankets with matching stuffed toys for the Native American Christmas Project !!  :)
You didn't have much time, but pulled it all off !!  :)

Chris Chandler, Dan Unterbrink & young Alexandra Unterbrink - thank you for coming to Estevan Park & for handing out lots of clothes & blankets directly to the homeless there.  And for your donation to the food fund !!  Thank you, Alexandra for giving up your very favorite blanket to give to a homeless person !!  :)  You are so very, very kind !!  :)

Tina & Rich Cromwell - thank you for your food money donation & the beautiful hand-made Christmas card you sent !!  :)  I Love You my dear Friends !!

Coleen Cruz - thank you for bringing over some rice & beans !!  :)

Jon D'Auria - thank you for donating all that ground beef & chili powder after meeting you in line at Safeway on New Years Eve !!  :)  How was your party that evening ?? 

Sherry DeClercq - thank you for bringing over clothes & shoes for the homeless & for your check for feeding the homeless !!  :) 

Sharon Dely - thank you for all the clothes you brought over !!  :)

Colin & Emily Disbury - thank you for donating to the food / grocery fund for the homeless !!  :)  I Love Your Grandparents a lot !!  :)  Maggie, please thank your anonymous friend for me for her donation !!  :)

Dominic & members of the Lions Club - thank you for lots of clothes to keep the homeless warm the past very cold days here in Tucson !!  :)

Betty Doron - thank you for the check you sent to help with the food / groceries fund !!  :)

Anita Duxler - thank you for the wonderful & warm clothing for the homeless !!  :)

Betty Edwards  (the Water Lady) - thank you for sending a donation to the food fund for the homeless !!  :)

Nicole Esposito & Colin Catron - thank you for all the clothes you brought over, Nicole !!  :)  Colin, thank you for picking up the bread for the homeless every Friday at Beyond Bread !!  :)  And thank you Colin for the food you donated for the Chili !!  :)  You two are so precious together !!  :)

Hilde Gavera (86 years young) - thank you for making 50 warm scarves for the homeless for Christmas, which we put into their gift bags !!  :)   And thank you for being my cooking helper twice a week !!  :)
I Love You !!

Josie Godell - thank you for the two jackets & the warm clothes you brought over !!  :)

Donna Gray - thank you for sending a check, & your dear note, to help with buying the food for the homeless meals !!  :)

Liz Gray - thank you for your check for the food fund for the homeless !!  :)

Phyllis Grimaldi - thank you for your donation for food / groceries !!  :)  It was nice to see you at Trader Joe's.  Thank you for your sweet note. 

Mimi Haggerty - thank you for the food you donated, the paper plates & bowls, the napkins & plastic wear too !!  Also the sleeping bags !!  :)  It was so nice to see you again after all these years !!  :)

Lois Holland - thank you for helping out with the food / grocery fund !!  :)

Judy Hunter & Shanna Benson - thank you for donating soooo much clothes for the people in the parks !!  :)

Joanne Jacobsen & your Sister-in-Law Elaine - thank you for all the blankets & jackets & the donation for the food fund !!  :)

Marilyn Kaniowsky - thank you for the Granola Bars, blankets, socks, beanies, & the warm clothes you brought to Estevan Park for the homeless !!  :)

Bernie Keegan - thank you soooo much for your loving & kind donations & all the warm clothes you shared with the homeless too !!  :)   You touched me deeply !!  :)  Also a big thank you to your employees Susie Rodriguez & Cindy Herron for donating money for Christmas in your name !!  :)

Joyce Fuller Kleikamp & her Mom Hazel - thank you for all the clothes you have brought over to keep the homeless warm !!  :)   Joyce goes to SAVERS on their 99 cent days & gets clothes for the people in the parks.  What a great idea !!  :)

Momi & Ernie Kojima - thank you for bringing over many comforters, warm jackets & lots of other clothes !!  :)   During a big rain storm here at that.  :o 

Thank you to the elderly Lady who dropped of a wool scarf & wool sweater at my front door, when I wasn't home.  I don't know your name & I apologize for that.

Eva Lehrman - thank you for the many blankets & jackets for the homeless & for the kind help you gave me personally !!  :)  How can I ever thank you ??

June Leslie - thank you for crocheting 10 warm wool hats & then finding matching gloves & scarves to each one !!  :)   The sets were absolutely gorgeous !!  :)

Stan Lowery - thank you for donating all these wonderful organic home grown vegetables & melons !!  :)  The homeless loved it & what a treat it was for 'em !!  :)

Bill & Patti Mages - thank you for your wonderful donation to help out with the food for the people in the city parks !!  :)   Did you ever realize that we go back 45 years now ??!!  :o   I Love You Both !!

Dot Main & Holly Hoskins - thank you you two for all the clothes you gave to Jessie for the homeless !!  :)

Marika Marks - thank you for helping me with putting the gift bags together for the homeless & for wrapping a ton of gifts for the Native American Christmas Project !!  :)  You made a huge difference that day !!  :)

Betty & Ben Martin - thank you for all the clothes & warm coats !!  :)

Linda Mason - thank you for the two almost brand-new sleeping bags, which were so needed by the homeless, who are sleeping on the ground !!  :)

Brigitte Miller - thank you for the donation for the food / grocery fund !!  :)  It was really nice to meet you, my fellow German !!  :)

Gary Menard - thank you for the huge cooking pot & spoon to help with making cooking such big quantities easier now !!  :)  That was soooo thoughtful of you !!

Barry Moore - thank you for your help with the food fund !!  :)  Thank you also for your wonderful & kind letter !!  It was nice to hear from you !!  I am still waiting for the first version of your letter.  :)

Martin Murphy - thank you for donating money for food & for coming to the parks & helping serve the food when I needed help !!  :)   You are always welcome to join us !!

Virginia & Sherry Nurre - thank you for chipping into the food / grocery fund !!  :)  It was so nice to see you again the other day !!  :)

Sharon O'Higgins - thank you for giving Jessie the comforter to keep the homeless warm !!  :) 
And thank you to the other bank lady who donated a blanket, by giving it to Jessie also. I don't know your name Dear !!  :)

Britta Plathner - thank you so much for donating lots of pasta & spaghetti sauce !!  :)

Jane Powers - thank you for contributing to the food fund !!  :)

Donna Pugh - thank you for all the food, toys, clothes, toiletries & candy you donated !!  :)  A lot of it went into the gift bags for the homeless & the toys were donated to my Native American Christmas Project. 

Melanie Regan - thank you Mel for chipping into the food fund !!  :)  Love Ya Girl !! 

Stephen Roberts - thank you for continuing to help out with the cost of the food / groceries !!  :)  I appreciate your on-going Kindness soooo much !!  :)
Gary Mc..... also does & A.W. Newman too. 
It is people like you who keep me going in feeding the homeless !!  I am very grateful to you !!  :)
Gary, I loved all the stickers you put on the envelope of your Christmas card !!  :)

Terri Parson's - thank you for the clothes you gave to Jessie for the homeless people !!  :)

Julia Riffle - thank you dearly for sending all those really warm jackets for the homeless, even though you had to pay a ton for postage !!  :)  You are so sweet !!  :)

Betty Russell - thank you for donating soooo much clothes & for all the food your brought over for the homeless !!  :)

Steve Sabrick - thank you for all the really warm comforters & blankets you brought over for the people in the parks !!  :)

Mark Salcido - thank you, my friend, for all the wonderful men's clothes you brought over for the homeless !!  :)

Patricia Scott - thank you for your generosity to help out with the food !!  :)  Please send me one of your booklets when you have it done, I'd love to see it !!  Sending prayers your way for successful knee surgery !! 

Charles Shidisky - thank you for your kind check for the food / grocery fund !!  :)

Gina Stanfill - thank you for sending a check for the homeless food fund !!  :) 

Patricia Stokes - thank you for the money for the food fund !!  :)

Irva Stokes - thank you for your donation for food !!  :)

Michael T. - thank you to you two for the sack of rice, potatoes & plastic wear !!  :)

Chanie Teague, Cindy, Lori & Laura - thank you all soooo much for donating all those brand-new socks, gloves &  blankets, plus the jackets & sleeping bags !!  :)  Thank you Chanie for involving your co-workers in this too, you are great !!  :)  

Barbara Tobin - thank you soooo much for your check & your lil' note !!  :)

Trader Joe's - John, thank you for donating over 50 of your wonderful grocery bags so we could fill them with Christmas gifts for the homeless to make their holidays a little more special !!  :)

Pat Treptow - thank you for the warm clothing & the blanket you donated !!  :)

Lydia Valencia & Friends - thank you for all the beautifully put together & specially decorated bags of home baked cookies.  We added them to the above gift bags for special treats for the homeless !!  :)

Patricia Vankirk - thank you for helping out with the food  !!  :)

Raffie Villa - thank you for bringing soooo much food over for the homeless feedings & for donating money to help me with the electric bill, which has gone up considerably since I am cooking for so many people.  :) 

Wendy & Shirley Weeks - thank you for all the wonderfully warm coats & jackets, plus other warm clothing too you brought over !!  :)  Some were even brand-new.  :o

Sharon Wickwar - thank you for your generous check for feeding the homeless !!  :)   And thank you soooo much for the beautiful prayer you sent my way !!  :)  I made copies for my cooking & serving the food helpers, so they could enjoy the prayer also !!  :)   You are very, very kind !!  :)

James Wittenberg - thank you for your donation for feeding the homeless !!  :)

Rachel & Michael Wood - thank you my dear Friends for helping out with the food fund !!  :)

Ann Marie Yablonski - thank you for your donation for the food !!   :)

Then there is the Grandma who sent a donation check in the name of her Grandchildren as Christmas gifts.  She wanted to remain anonymous.  Thank you for your generosity !!  :)

I hope that I didn't forget anyone & if I did, please forgive me !!  I tried my best to keep track of everything that happened the past two months, which was quite a lot.  :)

As soon as I can I will share stories with you to get us current again & back to blogging every week.  :)

May this year bring to each & everyone of you what your Heart desires & may you be blessed always & in all ways !!