Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blankets, Sleeping Bags, Christmas Trees, etc. :)

The nights are getting colder too now here in Tucson & my Heart goes out to the Homeless in the City Parks who are sleeping outside on the ground.  :(

If you have any extra blankets, sleeping bags, comforters, etc., to donate please let me know & I will take them with me to the parks when I go to feed the people there.  :)  

Please spread the word with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.  Backpacks are always needed too, if anyone has extra.  :)

I also would like to put up a Christmas Tree at each of the two parks we go to.  If any of you have an extra one to donate that would be much appreciated.  :)  Would also need some decorations too.  :)  Nothing fancy, just more symbolic than anything else & to let everyone know that they are loved.  :)

Thank you all my Angels out there in this beautiful world of ours !!  :)

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