Saturday, March 24, 2012


Sometimes good things come to an end & it becomes time to move on. 

On Monday, January 23, 2012, I served the last meal in Tucson's City parks to the homeless there.  In the past two years I have fed, for most part single-handedly, almost 10,000 people.  :)

I have become very tired & it is time to rest for a little while now.  Also, I feel that I have come full circle with feeding the homeless since Darryl died recently.  It all began because of Darryl & now that he is no longer here on earth, it is ending with his being gone.  It totally feels complete. 

After a little while I will do something else & I am thinking about something with or for children, as I am ready for some innocence in my life.   :)

Thank you for all your loving & kind support during the past two years !!   :)
I could not have pulled this off without you & I am very, very grateful to each & every one of you !!  :)

With so much Love & even more Gratitude !!
