Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sloppy Joe's, Spanish Rice & Cowboy Beans

Another successful meal served today in the two City parks.  Hilde made her incredible Spanish rice (one of my favorites of hers), I made my cowboy beans, and together we made the Sloppy Joe's & the tossed salad.  It is always fun to spend time in the kitchen together & I always look forward to those days.  :)  It is when we cook & talk about this, that & the other.   :)   It feels so much like mother & daughter time.  We also had cookies & of course water for everyone.

Marilyn came again to help serve the food & I am very grateful for your help & for being so constant in showing up !!  :)   You are much needed & much appreciated too !!  :)   Thank you always, dear Friend !!  :)

Hilde came to the parks too to serve the food & today for the first time her daughter Liz, & Hilde's Great-grandson Michael (16) came too to help.  How wonderful to be able to spend a little time with everyone !!  :)   Thank you all for helping out too !!  :)

Ever since we took a few months off, the homeless have been extra grateful to all of us & we so appreciate all their heartfelt thank yous & their help in setting up the table & food !!  :)  

We are not feeding quite as many people yet as we did before.  Word is still spreading that we are back & every time there are a few more people that show up.  So it is growing & it will just take a little time to build it up again.  Today we fed 47 people.  Please say prayers that the hungry people will find us !!

I also wanted to send out this request.  :)  It would be so awesome if we had home-made cookies again, and not just for the special holidays.  :)  So if there is someone out there who likes to bake a lot & often please call me.  The homeless love sweets & cookies are a big treat for 'em all.   :)  We've been giving out store bought cookies, but they don't have the Love in them that home baked ones do.  :)

Good Night now to you all & Sleep with the Angels !!   :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

La Botana Restaurant's Generosity Once More

Yesterday we made Valentine's Day for the homeless in the City parks with the enormous help of Arnold, the owner of La Botana Grill here in Tucson.  Arnold donated 75 great big burritos for the third year in a row.  Hilde & I made the rice, beans & salad to go along & it all ended up being quite a feast for all.  :)  There were many happy faces in the parks.  :)  Thank You so very, very much Arnold, you are an Angel & a very kind one at that !!  :)  

A little while ago I was told by one of the homeless that they call me the Burrito Lady & I would like to hand that staff over to Arnold since he is THE Burrito Man.  Please support his restaurant, his food is awesome & as you can tell Arnold is a wonderful & caring human being !!   :)   He so deserves our support !!  :)  La Botana - - is right on the corner of First Avenue & Fort Lowell in the Food City shopping center.  Their Shrimp Especial is out of this world good & it's my favorite.  :)   I could eat it every night.  :)

I put together 75 gift bags for Valentine's Day, filled with a pair of brand new socks, assorted candies, home made cookies, granola bars & specially hand made cards for the homeless by many children of the Coronado School from the town of Catalina.   :)   Thank you Hank for initiating it all & a great big Thank You to all six teachers & the children too especially !!   :)  You all are awesome & touched the homeless with your caring & dear words !!   :)   All your posters were put up for everyone to enjoy at a homeless shelter !!  :)  

There were a bunch of gift bags left over & we gave them to a church group who take hot chocolate & hot soup to the homeless all over the parks every evening during the cold months.  So our extra bags went to the people just outside the down town library.  :)  That felt really good to know.  :)

We made Valentine's Day a couple of days late this year on the 16th, since it is our regular day to feed & the homeless would already know that we were coming.  :)

I also would like to thank each & everyone who helped out to make this possible once more.

Thank you Randy & Mayumi for donating all the socks & for putting together all those sweet candy packs with so much Love & caring, which bubbled right out of them.   :)   And thank you for the water too, which is always needed.   :)   You both are so appreciated !!

Thank you Alvin for donating a bunch of granola bars for the gift bags once again.  :)

Cheryl, thank you for baking 103 cookies.  :)   They looked so good & it was tempting to not eat one, but I was good & didn't !!  ;)

Dave & Linda thank you for donating some of the bags & candy & some of the food for the meal !!  :)   I am ever so grateful to you both & hope that some day I can repay you in some good way for all that you have done to help me !!  

Ginger, thank you for sending the bags of candy & some socks in the mail to help out !!   :)   You are wonderful to do that & to care like you do !!

Martin, Sylvia, Sherry, David, Liz, Mark, Bill & Iris, A.W., & Marilyn for sending funds for the food.

And thank you J.J. for the Albertson's gift card, which will help so much with providing food for the meals !!  :)   Hope to see you & Mark one of these days again at the parks !! 

I am now gearing up for Easter for the homeless & am planning on having gift bags for 'em again with hopefully more socks, Easter candy, hard boiled & colored eggs, etc.   :)   It is just around the corner, really.   :)  

Hilde & I are now regularly going to the parks to feed again & please remember that I can not do this without all of your support & Love !!

Thank You all every so much !!   :)   I am humbled by all of you & also strengthened at the same time !! 

With Love & Gratitude always !!