Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pizza & Cookies

Since this month has five Saturdays I took pizzas to the parks today for the homeless.  :)   It's a bonus meal for everyone.   :)

Armed with 13 boxes filled with Little Caesar's Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizzas I fed 52 people today.  Each person got 2 big fat slices & I had just enough for everyone.  :)    I was amazed how good these pizzas were & how filling.  All the homeless oohed & awed & I did too actually.  The closer it gets to the end of the month the more people I always end up feeding.  

It was incredibly hot here today, supposedly 113 degrees,& the cold water was just as much appreciated as the pizza.  :)   I wished I had lots more water for 'em all, they were really asking for more !!  There are only so many funds available for it all.   I'm praying for a "Water Angel" now.

Lee made a bunch of peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies for me to take today.  They were a big success too, Lee !!   :)   Thank you from all the guys they said !!   :)  

Mother Nature was very kind to us even with all this heat !!  :)   It was quite overcast for most of the day & that made it a little more bearable for everyone.  :)

Please hold these people in your prayers throughout these super hot days here in Tucson !!  And many Blessings to each & everyone !!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Video of Pigeons & Flying Pasta on June 22, 2013 :)

Please see my blog entry from June 22nd, which shares the pigeons with the flying penne pasta story.  :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pasta with Broccoli, Ham, fresh Red Peppers, Sun Dried Tomatoes & Parmesan

It was 104 degrees again in Tucson today & it was quite hot !!  We cooked another semi-cold pasta salad to keep the homeless somewhat cooled off, especially since serving the food outside.  We also made a great big bucket of fresh tossed salad with lots of cucumbers, tomatoes & fresh cilantro. 

We used 7 bottles of "Kraft - Italian Roasted Pepper" dressing in the pasta salad, along with a lot of  sun dried tomatoes & it turned out really yummy.  A large amount of added Parmesan cheese made it all quite tasty & refreshing.  Again we used 10 lbs. of ham, 8 lbs. of pasta, 6 lbs. of broccoli, 8 red peppers & 32 oz. of grated Parmesan.   :)   I will make this again pretty soon during the summer months, it was fairly easy & quicker than any of the other meals we have made so far. 

Since we only fed 44 people, many of the homeless got seconds, which of course is always great when we can do that.  :)   The left-overs will be donated to the people at the Yaqui Indian Sweat Lodge again & the children that show up hungry there.  Since school is out now, there are more children that show up, so more mouths to feed.  :)  

Thank you Faith for helping me chop & stir, you are the best !!   :)   I am very grateful for your loving help always !!  Thank you also for baking all those wonderful cookies.   :)  Marilyn, J.J. & I liked them too !!  ;)   I have some left over, so I can take them next Saturday to go with the pizzas.  :)

J.J. & Marilyn, thank you once more for your help serving the food !!  :)   What would I do without you ??!!   :)

Dave & Linda, thank you once more for your kind help with some of the groceries for the meal !!  I'm sending a big hug to both of you !!  :)  

Lee, thank you for helping me out with loading up the car with the food & water !!   :)   

We had some really good giggles today at Santa Rita Park.  One of the homeless dropped his plate of food accidentally & a slew of pigeons came to have a feast off the pavement in front of our serving table.  They especially liked those long Penne noodles & kept picking them up with their beaks.  The noodles wouldn't fall apart so they were shaking their little heads back & forth, and back & forth, trying to break them up so they could swallow them.  :)  Noodles were flying in the air everywhere & this show went on for quite some time.  We laughed so hard that we even threw some more noodles on the ground for them so we could keep giggling while watching their antics.  So we fed the pigeons too today & got quite a show in return.  :)   Who would have thought that pigeons could be so entertaining ??!!   :)  

Time to put up my legs & chill for the rest of the evening.   :)   It has been another successful meal & our hearts are happy, knowing that some of the homeless have full bellies tonight !!   :) 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pasta with Ham, Zucchini & Tomatoes in a Cheese Sauce

Today's meal was 10 pounds of pasta with 10 pounds of ham, 8 pounds of zucchini, fresh parsley & 5 pounds of tomatoes in a semi-cool Parmesan cheese sauce.  Yesterday I made cucumber salad with a sweet & sour creamy sauce & used 18 English cucumbers for it.  :) 

The temperature today was around 104 degrees & I wanted to have food as cold as possible for the guys in the parks.  Everyone was excited about the cucumber salad & I must say it was pretty refreshing.  :)   We fed 44 people & were told that there was something fun going on down town & a bunch of the homeless were there for that occasion.  The second park, Estevan, is pretty close to down town & we only fed a few people there.  Most of the ones fed were at Santa Rita Park. 

Thank you Lee for baking a whole bunch of sugar cookies yesterday, we handed those out along with cold water for everyone today.  That was really "sweet" of you.  ;) 

I wish that I could give everyone two bottles of water, but that is not in the budget these days, so one bottle will have to do.  I am really concerned about the homeless not getting enough fluids during these very hot days here.  It is supposed to stay this hot for a while now. 

Faith helped me cook once more & I am very grateful, also for your help with dishing out the food again this time.  :)

Marilyn & J.J., thank you for coming out in this heat to help with the serving of the meals, and J.J. an extra shout-out for always setting things up & taking it all down again so quickly & efficiently.  :) 

It was so nice to see you, Kenny & Neena, again at the park after all this time.  It has been more than 1  1/2 years since I last saw you.  Glad you are not homeless anymore & that you are doing well !!  :)   Makes me happy for you both !!  :) 

Diane & Don, thank you for coming to the parks again & Don, it was nice to meet you finally.  Diane spoke so highly of you.  :)  Please keep feeding the homeless you two, all that bureaucracy will fall into place one way of another, or maybe not.  :)  What does it matter, as long as you are making a difference in people's lives !!  :)   I feel you two & me too are doing God's work & the ignorant & greedy people are just creating a lot of Karma for themselves. 

It's time to get some rest now & to spend some time with my wonderful pillow.  :)  It was a great day & it all will be repeated again soon !!  :)  

Good Night everyone & sleep with the Angels !!   :)