Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jambalaya with Shrimp, Chicken & Sausage & my 70th Birthday

Tonight I am going to sleep with the biggest smile ever on my face !!  :)   Today is my 70th birth-day & this day was as special as it ever could be imagined !!  :)  

This was one of the most heart warming birth-days ever & I will never forget it !!  :)   It coincided with my regular day of feeding the homeless & since I believe in gifting others on my special day, it just felt right to cook & feed today.  :)

Not too long ago I discovered a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya, which I had never eaten nor cooked before.  It had shrimp, chicken & Kielbasa in it & sounded like the best meal treat for today.  :)   How often do the people in the parks get shrimp??!!  My awesome neighbors Dave & Linda donated all the shrimp & meat for the meal.   :)  We ended up feeding 38 people & they loved it.  

Faith, my Cooking Angel, came over & together we made two huge pots full. :)  Faith, you are the fastest chopper I have ever met !!   :)   It all turned out quite good & I didn't make it too spicy, so everyone could enjoy it, even my three lil' Munchkins, if they wanted to try it.  :)

J.J. gave me a card when I picked him up at the bus stop & he asked me to open it right there.  Out fell three gift cards to some of my favorite places plus one more to a new one to explore.  They all were from J.J., the anonymous "Water Angel", and Mark B. & Patty B., all go to the same church.  I almost lost it right there, but had to drive us to the park.  I was touched so deeply by all that Love.  :)

Yesterday, J.J. gathered Marilyn, Mark & Patty, & I at "Something Sweet" for sandwiches & mega desserts.  :)   And kind Mark took care of the whole bill.  The world is full of great & loving people & I really believe that we all are finding each other to make a difference in others lives.  :)  Life is wonderful !!  :)

Thank you Mark & Patty for your loving Kindness & for being the Angels you are !!  :)    

When we got to the first park J.J. ran along the whole line of homeless & whispered in everyones ear that it was my birth-day.  All the good wishes were just incredible & I was so touched.  So much Love again !!   :)

Melissa, Brian & the Muchkins came to help out again this time & Allison (3) was handing out the water, Lucas (5) was in charge of giving out the cookies & Jillian (5) tried to talk everyone into having a jalapeno.   :)   The kids gave me a picture of the four of us together in a frame that they decorated themselves by drawing on it all over.  You have to see it, it is precious !!  :)  Lucas made me a special birth-day card all by himself.  Jillian was dancing & singing for me a lot at the second park & it was such a joy !!  :)  And Melissa gave me a loaf of her own special zucchini bread.  Yummmmmm !!  :) 

Diane & Don stopped by at the first park to say "hi" & that was sweet too.  :)  Don't stay away so long you two, it is always great to see your happy faces !!  :)

When we got to the second park, Debbie, one of the homeless, handed me a card with a big & proud grin on her face.  :)  Now, we had just gotten to the park & there had been no time for anyone to sign anything.  So "Sneaky Snake J.J."  :)  (I kept calling him that all evening) two weeks ago had gotten a card & had Melissa go around then to get everyone to sign it.  :)  I had no idea this was going on, I thought Melissa was just socializing with everyone & saying prayers with whomever wanted to.  Sneaky, I tell you.  ;)

It has become pretty obvious that I need a small freezer chest for the homeless food, especially with all the deals in the grocery stores lately on meat.  I keep trying to borrow freezer space from my neighbors & my friends.  :o  Dave came over the other day & told me that he & Linda are giving me a freezer for my birthday.  How incredible is that ??!!  You two touched me so very deeply once more with your Kindness & Generosity !!  :)   You have made such a huge difference in my life & you are the worlds very best neighbors !!  :)  Thank You for all your Love, your caring & your unwavering support !! 

J.J., you made my special day so very, very special & I'm going to sleep with a huge smile on my face now.  :)  Thank you for being my constant helper & my friend !!  :)  I am so blessed by you & your caring & beautiful Heart !!  :)   You are making many brownie points "Upstairs" !!

Good night everyone & sleep with the Angels !!  :) 
My prayer is that all your Kindness is coming back to you all many fold each & every day !!  :)

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