Another week & more excitement to share !! :)
Today the "Tucson Weekly" newspaper published the wonderful story Mari Herreras wrote about my feeding the homeless called "Meals in the Park". It is lovely & I wish you could read it. I just don't know yet how to attach links to this blog. The article went out to many of you via email & some I mailed using "snail mail". Of course I don't like the photo of myself, but isn't that normal ?? Aren't we always critical of the photos of ourselves ??!! Thank you Will Ferguson for taking the picture, you did a great job !! :) This is not a reflection of your talent, it is just me being self-critical & human, I guess. :) I am hoping that the story will generate donations for more food & maybe even the treat of a cookie once in a while. :) As of this Monday together we all have fed 1,100 homeless people. :) How incredible is that number ??!!
Thank you so very, very much Mari for putting your Heart into my story !! :) I hope that you & Will will come to join us for some of the meals in the Parks at times. We all enjoyed having you there with us & you are always welcome !! :)
A great big Thank You goes to Jean & Leesa in Canyon, Texas, for the huge box of clothes & especially all the T-shirts from Leesa that were donated. The ladies clothes I will either take up to the Reservation or incorporate into the Sixth Annual Native American Christmas Project this year. On Monday I took all those new T-shirts with me for the homeless to go through. They all were gone within 5 minutes, except a few of the smaller (medium) ones. You should have seen the excitement & it impressed me that most everyone only took one shirt, so everyone else could have one too. :) Again, the comradery there is phenomenal.
Thank you also Jean for the check you snuck into the clothes package. :)
You have no idea how much it was needed & how you rescued me. :) I had borrowed from the homeless drinking water fund to be able to feed everyone last weekend. With your generous help I was able to pay the water fund back (which I had planned to do somehow) & I even have homeless food money left over for the next weekends meals. :) I am sending you a great big gratitude hug & I hope that I will meet you someday !! :)
We are having triple digit temperatures still here in Tucson & are waiting for the Monsoons to arrive, so it will cool off a little. I have learned that some of the homeless people "hang-out" inside the Libraries during the day to read & to use the computers there. And it is cool inside. :) A clever way to stay comfortable while reading & learning. :) It amazes me how creative people can be to survive.
This coming weekend I am taking a dear friend from Ohio up to the Hopi Reservation for a Kachina Dance in the village of Hotevilla. Those who know me well know that I was very close to Dan Evehema, who was one of the Hopi Eldest Elders in Hotevilla, who were holding the world together with their prayers. This will be the first weekend in six months that I have not cooked or taken food to the homeless. It will feel strange, but it also will be nice to have a little break from cooking. I'll be cooking for my "Hopi Family" though, but a much smaller amount. :)
Will be back to blogging weekend after this coming one. Bye for now.
here is the link to the TW story. if it isn't a hot link, you can cut and paste it into your browser. :)
I would be interested in talking to you about helping you cook, serve. I don't have a lot of money to donate, but would want to see about helping you with the physical parts of what you do. So inspiring, thank you. You can contact me at my name is Lisa and if you contact me, I can let you know more about me.
I want to help feed the homeless, I could help by cooking or doing whatever you need, no money to donate, but I do have the time and the interest....let me know if you can use extra
Hello Karin -
I read the article in the Weekly, and am now a great admirer of yours!! I guess this is the only way to contact you!? I am a 50 something female who would like to travel with you and help you distribute food...if you get this and can pick me up!? Or let me know what time you go to the parks, and I will try to get there! I also became homeless this past year - after losing EVERYTHING! I have been living with a friend now for 9 months, my ONLY income being food stamps! Everything will be changing for me in a few days though,for the better, and now I hope to help others! Tomorrow, 7/24/2010 there is a special event happening, (I will include the link here to tell you about it-copy and paste the following---
display/news/e3i2ad42caf9a6c4e91725c8f023654b1a7 )
I will be video recording my day...which I HOPE will include helping you!!! If you do get this and can call me-I am reachable at (520)455-7525. Thanks to you! Hope to hear from you... anytime... blessings -
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