Armed with 30 lbs. of Mexican style shredded beef, a huge amount of refried beans & an even bigger amount of rice we fed 42 people on Saturday & on Monday the biggest number ever of 59 people. The weekend ended up with 101 people fed, a record so far, for a total of 2032. :) Wow !! :)
It was amazing to see all the people lined up for hot food, especially at Santa Rita Park. Later on we also ended up at Estevan Park for the first time, which is near DeAnza Park, around Main Street & Speedway, to feed some more people there. :) I had a few blankets in my car & they were taken away pretty quickly. I can always use a lot more to hand out, as it is getting colder during the nights here now.
Jen Y., thank you for helping me cook all that food & for helping me with all the seasoning of the meat & with putting so much of your Love into it too. I love cooking with you, we are a great team. :) I enjoy & treasure the Friendship we are developing. :) And Bobbie Y., thank you for helping me along with advise on the buying & cooking of the meat. It was my first time ever making shredded beef. My expertise is in German food, but I am learning to cook Mexican food too & I love eating it as often as possible. Not so much the beans though, but everything else is awesome. :) My Tortilla Soup is always a big hit in the parks & with my friends too. I make a pretty good Mexican Cheese Soup too & actually have been craving it myself a lot lately, since the weather is cooling off some now.
Jessie M. thank you serving all that food on Saturday & on Monday too. Rosemarie H., it was great to meet you & I am grateful too for your help with dishing out the food on Monday. It is wonderful to get to know you both, you definitely are to each other what I call "Sisters of the Heart". :) Often we are closer to our heart family than we are to our birth family. Welcome to my Feeding the Homeless Family. :)
Rosemarie you blew me away with all the food, plates & forks you donated !! I am still in awe. You are incredible & I am so grateful for your caring heart for the homeless people !! :) It all is so much needed, especially with the large amount of people we are now feeding. Word is getting around with the homeless about the real food that is available on Saturdays & Mondays.
Since I am still within my first year of doing this, I don't quite know the trends yet. Everything is always so unpredictable still. Right now it looks like there will be more people in the winter time since our weather is so good here & we hardly ever get snow. I did realize that we always feed more people on Mondays than on Saturdays. Occasionally other people will take food to the city parks & it is often on Saturdays, so by the time I get there everyone has eaten already, which is great !! :)
Thank you T-bird for sending money for gasoline, which is always welcome & much needed too. :) I do a lot of driving to & from the different parks & to buy all the groceries every week. I always look for the biggest bargains & the best deals around. :)
Charlotte, from Amber Lights Retirement Home, thank you for your precious check !! :) It all helps so much. I was able to buy lots of cauliflower & fresh mushrooms for this coming weekends meals. Today someone in the grocery store stopped me to find out what I was going to do with all those mushrooms.
so I told him & it looks like he & his 13 year old son will help out in some way. :) As I mentioned before in this blog, I love it when the young ones are taught early to give back & to share. Todd N., you are a great Dad !! :)
Holly T., Vicki L., and Magdalena S., a thank you goes out to each of you also for chipping into the Homeless Food Fund. :) You are very much appreciated !! :)
Thank you Buck of Sugar Pies for all the Candy Corn Cookies you baked for everyone in the parks. They looked really fun & everyone oohed & aahed over them. :) You can find the recipe on Buck's blog.
My prayer is that all of you receive many, many Blessings for your sharing & caring for the people in our city parks !! :) I always hear many "God Bless Yous" when handing out the food & water & I want to share that with each & everyone of you !! Together we are making a difference in people's lives. :)
With a full heart I will go to sleep now, it is almost 2:30 AM, so I can wake up rested & cook about 15 or so pounds of spaghetti pasta & huge pots of spaghetti sauce later on today. :)
Good night now !! Everyone, sleep with the Angels tonight !! :)
i am so fortunate to have met you Karin. you are truly an angel to the homeless. definately a gift from the heart, never asking for anything in return. helping you dish out the food on saturdays and mondays is a wonderful experience. knowing that i can help the less fortunate in this way is a great feeling. to see the gratitude in their eyes and in their smiles, as you say, makes it all the better.
people should stop looking down at the homeless, one never knows if they will need to stand in your line some day.
thank you for being you. thank you from the all the homeless you have fed this year. BLESS YOU!
jessie m. :)
Jessie, :)
Now you made me cry Sweetie. Happy Tears though. :)
Thank you for all your Kindness & Gary's too !! :)
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