Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Friend Darryl Chee, R.I.P.

I am really sad right now.  :(   Darryl, who was the reason I began feeding the homeless two years ago, died yesterday, on December 29th, at 3:38 PM.  :(

On Friday Darryl was hit by a car on Grant Road & had been in a coma ever since.  His family came down from the Navajo Reservation yesterday to remove the life support, as Darryl had hardly any brain activity left. 

Tomorrow we will make a Spirit Plate for him at the Park & we will send him "Home" with prayers & a full belly. 

See you again some day Darryl !!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blankets, Sleeping Bags, Christmas Trees, etc. :)

The nights are getting colder too now here in Tucson & my Heart goes out to the Homeless in the City Parks who are sleeping outside on the ground.  :(

If you have any extra blankets, sleeping bags, comforters, etc., to donate please let me know & I will take them with me to the parks when I go to feed the people there.  :)  

Please spread the word with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.  Backpacks are always needed too, if anyone has extra.  :)

I also would like to put up a Christmas Tree at each of the two parks we go to.  If any of you have an extra one to donate that would be much appreciated.  :)  Would also need some decorations too.  :)  Nothing fancy, just more symbolic than anything else & to let everyone know that they are loved.  :)

Thank you all my Angels out there in this beautiful world of ours !!  :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wisdom for this Day

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth."
 - Muhammad Ali

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Garage Sale for the Homeless Food Fund

My friend Sherry is putting together her second Garage Sale to raise money so we can continue to feed the homeless.  :)   Her first one was a big success, she was able to raise $300.00.  :)   Thank you Sherry & everyone who contributed !!  :)

If you would like to help out by donating usable items please give me a call at 520-326-2236 so we can coordinate it.  This will happen in about two or three weeks.  We don't have a definite date yet.

Thank you for your Kindness !!  :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm Back !! :)

I'm baaaaaack !! :) I promise to try real hard to continue to blog, although feeding the homeless has grown so much I have gotten busier with feeding more & more people. :) As of this Monday together we have fed 7,631 in 20 1/2 months & are still going strong. This number will grow again tomorrow.

Since it is getting colder again at night it is time to gather blankets & sleeping bags again & some warm clothes for the homeless. Right now the blankets are most important, the clothes can wait a little while longer.  I don't have much room to store things.

We are also starting to plan for Thanksgiving & for Christmas too. So if you would like to help, please contact me. :) For Christmas I could use a lot of cookies again this year for the gift bags for the homeless. :)

The Health Department & I are working together towards a solution that will work for both of us & their kindness & caring is much appreciated !! Now if my crazy & heartless neighbor just would stop calling them every other day complaining about my cooking in my own home !! It amazes me for someone to be that mean & to have that much time on their hands with nothing better to do than to constantly complain about others. Just imagine all the good that could be done with that time instead !! :)

Well, we will carry forward with what we do to make a difference here in Tucson & hopefully be an inspiration to the rest of the country. :)

Have a blessed weekend everyone !! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Story of Feeding the Homeless in Tucson's City Parks

Here is the link
to the story of feeding the homeless in Tucson's City parks, as created by Buck Bannister.
Thank You Buck, you nailed it !! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Article on me in the Tucson Weekly on 2-2-11

I wanted to share this article on me in the  TUCSON WEEKLY  with everyone to keep you up to date on the happenings around Feeding the Homeless people in the parks here. 

If there is an attorney in Tucson who would be open to helping me for free to get a "Acts of Kindness Law" established I really could use the help in doing so.  I would love to have this law cover all of America, as there are other people like me in this country who would be covered by it also, especially bake sales & children's lemonade stands, which are all "Acts of Kindness" too & are part of American traditions. 

Thank you all so much !!   :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Many, Many Thanks !! :)

I apologize for all these Thank Yous to be soooo delayed !!  I feel that it is more important to feed the homeless than to sit & blog about it, at least when there isn't much time for blogging. 
I hope that you will understand !!  :)

After the article in "The New Southwest" paper & three days later another one in the "Arizona Daily Star" were published things have been extremely busy here & very, very joyful to say the least !!  :)  So many people opened their hearts & donated warm clothing, sleeping bags, comforters, money, canned food, & offered their helping hands in many different ways !!  :)   For a whole month daily I ran dry two regular telephone batteries by being on the phone so much.  :)


I will write about some of the stories in my next blog, this one I would like to make a point in thanking each & everyone of you for helping out the homeless people in your own special ways during the past two months.  :)

Alice & Luna Adams - thank you both !!  Luna (who is 14 years old) for helping me cook & then coming to the parks with me to serve !!  :)  And her Mom Alice for helping us serve the food !!  :)

Ruth Adelstone - thank you for donating lots of warm clothes & food !!  :)  And for offering your help with cooking & serving food at the parks.  :)   Also for donating all those paper plates, bowls, plastic ware & lots of broth & canned vegetables !!  :)

Mary Helen Allison - thank you for bringing over warm clothes, a Tupperware bowl & a donation to the food fund on top of it all !!  :) 

Jane Ash of First Rate Second Hand Thrift Shop - thank you for donating soooo much used clothes !!  :)
You are awesome !!  :)

Cristina Ball - thank you so much for the food fund donations you gave so kindly, the clothes you brought over & all the other help you provided along with your special lil' Kirsten !!  :)

Buck Bannister - thank you for all the wonderful cookies every week, which the homeless people just love !!  :)   If I don't have any on some days, they actually ask for them.  :)  I love it !! 

Malinda Barry - thank you for donating all those really great Christmas cookies your neighbors & you had baked !!  :)  What a treat for the people in the parks.  And for the donation to the food fund from your office !!  :)

Dee Beck - thank you for helping out !!  :)

Pat Bovine - thank you for the food you brought over after Thanksgiving & for continuing to come to the parks or my house to help out wherever we need you !!  You are very precious Dear !!  :)

Sue & Bob Bradford - thank you soooo much for your cash donations & for the paper plates for the meals for the people in the parks !!  :)   And for the honoring mention you gave me twice in our home-owners newsletter !!  :)  You made me cry - happy tears !!  :)

Nancy Bratton - thank you for the check you sent for the homeless food / grocery fund !!  :)
John Brehaut - thank you for giving up your favorite jackets to the homeless to keep 'em warm.  :)  You touched me deeply by doing that !!  :)

George & Marian Brennen - thank you for donating clothes & blankets & for involving your friends to join you in doing so !!  :)

Lini Burton - thank you for the case of squash, the cucumbers & the melons you brought over for us to cook for the homeless !!  :)

Carol Campbell - thank you so much for the brand-new sleeping bag you donated !!  :)

Cheryl Carpenter - thank you for the incredible Steamer Pot to help with the cooking for the homeless & for specially making 6 baby blankets with matching stuffed toys for the Native American Christmas Project !!  :)
You didn't have much time, but pulled it all off !!  :)

Chris Chandler, Dan Unterbrink & young Alexandra Unterbrink - thank you for coming to Estevan Park & for handing out lots of clothes & blankets directly to the homeless there.  And for your donation to the food fund !!  Thank you, Alexandra for giving up your very favorite blanket to give to a homeless person !!  :)  You are so very, very kind !!  :)

Tina & Rich Cromwell - thank you for your food money donation & the beautiful hand-made Christmas card you sent !!  :)  I Love You my dear Friends !!

Coleen Cruz - thank you for bringing over some rice & beans !!  :)

Jon D'Auria - thank you for donating all that ground beef & chili powder after meeting you in line at Safeway on New Years Eve !!  :)  How was your party that evening ?? 

Sherry DeClercq - thank you for bringing over clothes & shoes for the homeless & for your check for feeding the homeless !!  :) 

Sharon Dely - thank you for all the clothes you brought over !!  :)

Colin & Emily Disbury - thank you for donating to the food / grocery fund for the homeless !!  :)  I Love Your Grandparents a lot !!  :)  Maggie, please thank your anonymous friend for me for her donation !!  :)

Dominic & members of the Lions Club - thank you for lots of clothes to keep the homeless warm the past very cold days here in Tucson !!  :)

Betty Doron - thank you for the check you sent to help with the food / groceries fund !!  :)

Anita Duxler - thank you for the wonderful & warm clothing for the homeless !!  :)

Betty Edwards  (the Water Lady) - thank you for sending a donation to the food fund for the homeless !!  :)

Nicole Esposito & Colin Catron - thank you for all the clothes you brought over, Nicole !!  :)  Colin, thank you for picking up the bread for the homeless every Friday at Beyond Bread !!  :)  And thank you Colin for the food you donated for the Chili !!  :)  You two are so precious together !!  :)

Hilde Gavera (86 years young) - thank you for making 50 warm scarves for the homeless for Christmas, which we put into their gift bags !!  :)   And thank you for being my cooking helper twice a week !!  :)
I Love You !!

Josie Godell - thank you for the two jackets & the warm clothes you brought over !!  :)

Donna Gray - thank you for sending a check, & your dear note, to help with buying the food for the homeless meals !!  :)

Liz Gray - thank you for your check for the food fund for the homeless !!  :)

Phyllis Grimaldi - thank you for your donation for food / groceries !!  :)  It was nice to see you at Trader Joe's.  Thank you for your sweet note. 

Mimi Haggerty - thank you for the food you donated, the paper plates & bowls, the napkins & plastic wear too !!  Also the sleeping bags !!  :)  It was so nice to see you again after all these years !!  :)

Lois Holland - thank you for helping out with the food / grocery fund !!  :)

Judy Hunter & Shanna Benson - thank you for donating soooo much clothes for the people in the parks !!  :)

Joanne Jacobsen & your Sister-in-Law Elaine - thank you for all the blankets & jackets & the donation for the food fund !!  :)

Marilyn Kaniowsky - thank you for the Granola Bars, blankets, socks, beanies, & the warm clothes you brought to Estevan Park for the homeless !!  :)

Bernie Keegan - thank you soooo much for your loving & kind donations & all the warm clothes you shared with the homeless too !!  :)   You touched me deeply !!  :)  Also a big thank you to your employees Susie Rodriguez & Cindy Herron for donating money for Christmas in your name !!  :)

Joyce Fuller Kleikamp & her Mom Hazel - thank you for all the clothes you have brought over to keep the homeless warm !!  :)   Joyce goes to SAVERS on their 99 cent days & gets clothes for the people in the parks.  What a great idea !!  :)

Momi & Ernie Kojima - thank you for bringing over many comforters, warm jackets & lots of other clothes !!  :)   During a big rain storm here at that.  :o 

Thank you to the elderly Lady who dropped of a wool scarf & wool sweater at my front door, when I wasn't home.  I don't know your name & I apologize for that.

Eva Lehrman - thank you for the many blankets & jackets for the homeless & for the kind help you gave me personally !!  :)  How can I ever thank you ??

June Leslie - thank you for crocheting 10 warm wool hats & then finding matching gloves & scarves to each one !!  :)   The sets were absolutely gorgeous !!  :)

Stan Lowery - thank you for donating all these wonderful organic home grown vegetables & melons !!  :)  The homeless loved it & what a treat it was for 'em !!  :)

Bill & Patti Mages - thank you for your wonderful donation to help out with the food for the people in the city parks !!  :)   Did you ever realize that we go back 45 years now ??!!  :o   I Love You Both !!

Dot Main & Holly Hoskins - thank you you two for all the clothes you gave to Jessie for the homeless !!  :)

Marika Marks - thank you for helping me with putting the gift bags together for the homeless & for wrapping a ton of gifts for the Native American Christmas Project !!  :)  You made a huge difference that day !!  :)

Betty & Ben Martin - thank you for all the clothes & warm coats !!  :)

Linda Mason - thank you for the two almost brand-new sleeping bags, which were so needed by the homeless, who are sleeping on the ground !!  :)

Brigitte Miller - thank you for the donation for the food / grocery fund !!  :)  It was really nice to meet you, my fellow German !!  :)

Gary Menard - thank you for the huge cooking pot & spoon to help with making cooking such big quantities easier now !!  :)  That was soooo thoughtful of you !!

Barry Moore - thank you for your help with the food fund !!  :)  Thank you also for your wonderful & kind letter !!  It was nice to hear from you !!  I am still waiting for the first version of your letter.  :)

Martin Murphy - thank you for donating money for food & for coming to the parks & helping serve the food when I needed help !!  :)   You are always welcome to join us !!

Virginia & Sherry Nurre - thank you for chipping into the food / grocery fund !!  :)  It was so nice to see you again the other day !!  :)

Sharon O'Higgins - thank you for giving Jessie the comforter to keep the homeless warm !!  :) 
And thank you to the other bank lady who donated a blanket, by giving it to Jessie also. I don't know your name Dear !!  :)

Britta Plathner - thank you so much for donating lots of pasta & spaghetti sauce !!  :)

Jane Powers - thank you for contributing to the food fund !!  :)

Donna Pugh - thank you for all the food, toys, clothes, toiletries & candy you donated !!  :)  A lot of it went into the gift bags for the homeless & the toys were donated to my Native American Christmas Project. 

Melanie Regan - thank you Mel for chipping into the food fund !!  :)  Love Ya Girl !! 

Stephen Roberts - thank you for continuing to help out with the cost of the food / groceries !!  :)  I appreciate your on-going Kindness soooo much !!  :)
Gary Mc..... also does & A.W. Newman too. 
It is people like you who keep me going in feeding the homeless !!  I am very grateful to you !!  :)
Gary, I loved all the stickers you put on the envelope of your Christmas card !!  :)

Terri Parson's - thank you for the clothes you gave to Jessie for the homeless people !!  :)

Julia Riffle - thank you dearly for sending all those really warm jackets for the homeless, even though you had to pay a ton for postage !!  :)  You are so sweet !!  :)

Betty Russell - thank you for donating soooo much clothes & for all the food your brought over for the homeless !!  :)

Steve Sabrick - thank you for all the really warm comforters & blankets you brought over for the people in the parks !!  :)

Mark Salcido - thank you, my friend, for all the wonderful men's clothes you brought over for the homeless !!  :)

Patricia Scott - thank you for your generosity to help out with the food !!  :)  Please send me one of your booklets when you have it done, I'd love to see it !!  Sending prayers your way for successful knee surgery !! 

Charles Shidisky - thank you for your kind check for the food / grocery fund !!  :)

Gina Stanfill - thank you for sending a check for the homeless food fund !!  :) 

Patricia Stokes - thank you for the money for the food fund !!  :)

Irva Stokes - thank you for your donation for food !!  :)

Michael T. - thank you to you two for the sack of rice, potatoes & plastic wear !!  :)

Chanie Teague, Cindy, Lori & Laura - thank you all soooo much for donating all those brand-new socks, gloves &  blankets, plus the jackets & sleeping bags !!  :)  Thank you Chanie for involving your co-workers in this too, you are great !!  :)  

Barbara Tobin - thank you soooo much for your check & your lil' note !!  :)

Trader Joe's - John, thank you for donating over 50 of your wonderful grocery bags so we could fill them with Christmas gifts for the homeless to make their holidays a little more special !!  :)

Pat Treptow - thank you for the warm clothing & the blanket you donated !!  :)

Lydia Valencia & Friends - thank you for all the beautifully put together & specially decorated bags of home baked cookies.  We added them to the above gift bags for special treats for the homeless !!  :)

Patricia Vankirk - thank you for helping out with the food  !!  :)

Raffie Villa - thank you for bringing soooo much food over for the homeless feedings & for donating money to help me with the electric bill, which has gone up considerably since I am cooking for so many people.  :) 

Wendy & Shirley Weeks - thank you for all the wonderfully warm coats & jackets, plus other warm clothing too you brought over !!  :)  Some were even brand-new.  :o

Sharon Wickwar - thank you for your generous check for feeding the homeless !!  :)   And thank you soooo much for the beautiful prayer you sent my way !!  :)  I made copies for my cooking & serving the food helpers, so they could enjoy the prayer also !!  :)   You are very, very kind !!  :)

James Wittenberg - thank you for your donation for feeding the homeless !!  :)

Rachel & Michael Wood - thank you my dear Friends for helping out with the food fund !!  :)

Ann Marie Yablonski - thank you for your donation for the food !!   :)

Then there is the Grandma who sent a donation check in the name of her Grandchildren as Christmas gifts.  She wanted to remain anonymous.  Thank you for your generosity !!  :)

I hope that I didn't forget anyone & if I did, please forgive me !!  I tried my best to keep track of everything that happened the past two months, which was quite a lot.  :)

As soon as I can I will share stories with you to get us current again & back to blogging every week.  :)

May this year bring to each & everyone of you what your Heart desires & may you be blessed always & in all ways !!