Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christ-mas

Merry Christ-mas to each & everyone of you !!  :)  
Wishing you a warm, joyous, happy & relaxing Holiday Season !!  :)

I will be back blogging really soon !!  Soooooooooo much has happened after the two articles about my Feeding the Homeless in the newspapers, soooooooooooo much to share with you !!  :)   In addition I made Christmas for two Native American families living on our local Tohono O'odham reservation.  :)  Life here has been very, very, very busy.  :)

We handed out 50 gift bags this Monday to the homeless & fed 96 people in the two parks that day.  :o

Sending you all lots of Love & big Hugs !! 