Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuna & Pasta Salad

Thank you Lizzy for your kind donation to help with the food once more.  :)  You continually amaze me with your on-going support of my Feeding the Homeless & all the miscellaneous items you bring over to help with it all.  :)  Also, thank you for stirring & mixing up all that Pasta Tuna Salad today, my wrists are very grateful to you too.  ;)   Many Blessings to you & your Lil' Naomi always !!

Many of the churches around town had free food for everyone today on Memorial Day, so I only fed 25 people in the different Parks.  I am glad that they all got fed somehow, somewhere & are happy.  There were concerts at some places around town, along with the free food, so many got entertained too.  :)   One church opened their doors for four hours to the Homeless this afternoon to watch old war movies & to let the people cool off in an airconditioned room.  :)  What a great idea !!  :)

The temperature today was 98 degrees & it is getting only hotter in Tucson from here on in.  I wish I could provide ice cold drinks to the people in the Parks, but at this point that is not in the budget.  I truly feel lucky when I get enough money together to buy, cook & take the food to the Homeless.  Thank God there are some shade trees in the Parks, but it still is hot outside, even in the shade.  I don't know how they will survive the heat of the summer here.  Please hold these people in your prayers.  Thank You !!

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