Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pasta with Ham, Zucchini & Tomatoes in a Cheese Sauce

Today's meal was 10 pounds of pasta with 10 pounds of ham, 8 pounds of zucchini, fresh parsley & 5 pounds of tomatoes in a semi-cool Parmesan cheese sauce.  Yesterday I made cucumber salad with a sweet & sour creamy sauce & used 18 English cucumbers for it.  :) 

The temperature today was around 104 degrees & I wanted to have food as cold as possible for the guys in the parks.  Everyone was excited about the cucumber salad & I must say it was pretty refreshing.  :)   We fed 44 people & were told that there was something fun going on down town & a bunch of the homeless were there for that occasion.  The second park, Estevan, is pretty close to down town & we only fed a few people there.  Most of the ones fed were at Santa Rita Park. 

Thank you Lee for baking a whole bunch of sugar cookies yesterday, we handed those out along with cold water for everyone today.  That was really "sweet" of you.  ;) 

I wish that I could give everyone two bottles of water, but that is not in the budget these days, so one bottle will have to do.  I am really concerned about the homeless not getting enough fluids during these very hot days here.  It is supposed to stay this hot for a while now. 

Faith helped me cook once more & I am very grateful, also for your help with dishing out the food again this time.  :)

Marilyn & J.J., thank you for coming out in this heat to help with the serving of the meals, and J.J. an extra shout-out for always setting things up & taking it all down again so quickly & efficiently.  :) 

It was so nice to see you, Kenny & Neena, again at the park after all this time.  It has been more than 1  1/2 years since I last saw you.  Glad you are not homeless anymore & that you are doing well !!  :)   Makes me happy for you both !!  :) 

Diane & Don, thank you for coming to the parks again & Don, it was nice to meet you finally.  Diane spoke so highly of you.  :)  Please keep feeding the homeless you two, all that bureaucracy will fall into place one way of another, or maybe not.  :)  What does it matter, as long as you are making a difference in people's lives !!  :)   I feel you two & me too are doing God's work & the ignorant & greedy people are just creating a lot of Karma for themselves. 

It's time to get some rest now & to spend some time with my wonderful pillow.  :)  It was a great day & it all will be repeated again soon !!  :)  

Good Night everyone & sleep with the Angels !!   :)

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