Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Story on Faith

For last weekends meal of feeding the homeless I needed a cooking helper, since Hilde is in Germany on vacation.  I thought I had a young man, Brent, lined up who has been wanting to help cook for a while now, but at the end he couldn't get off work that day.  So I had just a few days to find someone else, especially since there was lots to chop & dice. 

So the search began with my immediate friends & they had other plans made already since it was kind of last minute & Memorial Day weekend.  Everyone kept asking me "what are you going to do??"  And I kept saying over & over that I have faith, it all will work out !!  :)  I must have affirmed that at least six different times, if not more.  :)

Now lets back up a little bit.  ;)   About 30 years ago when my two children, Scott & Steph, were in high school all the kids used to hang out at my house.  :)   I was always the cool Mom & I liked knowing where my kids were at.  :)  One of those friends was Faith Cardenas, who lived right around the corner from us.  I always liked Faith, but we lost touch when we moved away & for all those years I wondered about where she could be & about how her life is.  :)

Recently I saw her name on another friends Facebook & I was really excited to contact her.  After all there are not very many Faith Cardenas', it had to be her !!  :)  Sure enough & we wrote back & forth a couple of times.  Then Faith wanted to get together to visit last Friday or Saturday & I told her that I couldn't because I was cooking for & feeding the homeless, since I didn't have a helper for Saturday it would take both days.  She got really excited & said that she wanted to help & that she really loves to cook.  She also had fed homeless people before on her own.  :)  Faith was had such a fun time & wants to continue to help & bring her young daughter too at times.  :)

So while I was affirming my faith all this time, my friend Faith came back into my life to help.  :) 

I just had to share this sweet story with you all & hopefully it will be an inspiration to you.  :) 

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