Saturday, November 30, 2013

17 Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizzas

Since this is the 5th Saturday this month, I loaded up with 17 Little Caesar Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizzas I headed to the two parks & was welcomed with lots of hollers of "Piiiiiiizzzzzaaaaa" !!!!   :)  And "oh thank you for not bringing turkey, we are so turkeyed out".  "Piiiiiiiizzzzzzaaaaaa" !!"  :)

Served 67 people this evening & many even got seconds, which totalled to one half of a big fat deep dish pizza.  :)  Everyone was really happy, although I could have used more cookies. 

I got a call back from Little Caesar earlier today, they wanted to make sure that I was still coming for all 17 pies, which made me giggle, since I have done this for four years now at the same place.   :)

Since I was by myself this time I had to ask one homeless person at each park to help serve the cookies & water.  :)  It was really nice to be able to spend some quality time with each person & to get to know them a little bit better along the way.  :) 

Not much else to share, except for a bunch of happy homeless once more.   :)  And me too !!  :)
Such a blessing this is each time !!

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